Saturday, 16 November 2013

Christmas Lunches

Come and join us for a Christmas Lunch

11.00am - Sundowner Bar open for purchase of tea & coffee
Christmas Market Open

 12.30pm - Christmas Lunch
Roast Turkey with sausage and bacon roll and stuffing
Roast Potatoes and a Selection of Vegetables
Christmas Pudding or Ice cream Selection
Tea or Coffee with Mince Pies

 2.30 – 4.30pm - Join “CITY LIMITS” in Ballroom
          Enjoy a dance, a sing-along and a free game of bingo!    
     ALL FOR JUST £14 per person
Wednesday 4th December
Thursday 5th December
Tuesday 10th December
Call us on 01984 632515 to book

or Christmas Dancing Lunch
with Richard Monks
Monday 2nd December

11.00am - Sundowner Bar open for purchase of tea & coffee
Christmas Market Open

 12.30pm - Christmas Lunch
Roast Turkey with sausage and bacon roll and stuffing
Roast Potatoes and a Selection of Vegetables
Christmas Pudding or Ice cream Selection
Tea or Coffee with Mince Pies

 2.30 – 4.30pm - Join RICHARD MONKS in Ballroom
          for an afternoon of dancing    
ALL FOR JUST £12 per person
Call us on 01984 632515 to book