Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Fundraising at St Audries in 2013

We would like to say a big "Thank you" to our guests
for their generosity during the 2013 season
in helping Ian and the WASSACKS raise the amazing
sum of £2146.00 at their Country Fayres

Charitable donations have been made to:
Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance
Salvation Army Food Bank Bristol
Minehead Lifeboat
Bullwark Scout Group


A record breaking £675 has been also been raised by Ian's book sales for 
a Christmas outing for the Somerset Young Carers Group


What a great group the WASSACKS are!
Do you know what it stands for?
Women And Supporters of the St Audries Club of Kindred Spirits


Thank you for visiting our website which we hope you will find helpful.  If you would like a brochure and tariff please call us on 01984 632515 or email us at info@staudriesbay.co.uk


Elvis at St Audries Bay....

Elvis Tribute Night - Christmas Party
Friday 6th December

See homepage link for more details!

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Christmas Lunches

Come and join us for a Christmas Lunch

11.00am - Sundowner Bar open for purchase of tea & coffee
Christmas Market Open

 12.30pm - Christmas Lunch
Roast Turkey with sausage and bacon roll and stuffing
Roast Potatoes and a Selection of Vegetables
Christmas Pudding or Ice cream Selection
Tea or Coffee with Mince Pies

 2.30 – 4.30pm - Join “CITY LIMITS” in Ballroom
          Enjoy a dance, a sing-along and a free game of bingo!    
     ALL FOR JUST £14 per person
Wednesday 4th December
Thursday 5th December
Tuesday 10th December
Call us on 01984 632515 to book

or Christmas Dancing Lunch
with Richard Monks
Monday 2nd December

11.00am - Sundowner Bar open for purchase of tea & coffee
Christmas Market Open

 12.30pm - Christmas Lunch
Roast Turkey with sausage and bacon roll and stuffing
Roast Potatoes and a Selection of Vegetables
Christmas Pudding or Ice cream Selection
Tea or Coffee with Mince Pies

 2.30 – 4.30pm - Join RICHARD MONKS in Ballroom
          for an afternoon of dancing    
ALL FOR JUST £12 per person
Call us on 01984 632515 to book

Stargazing Weekend - Fantastic

A fantastic time was had by everyone who came to the Stargazing Weekend with Steve Owens in October.  The weather was very obliging on Saturday night when the skies cleared and we were able to gaze in wonder at our beautiful night sky with Steve pointing out many amazing sights such as the Andromeda Galaxy. We are all looking forward to next year!
  • Andromeda Galaxy