Sunday, 7 December 2014

Thanks for a great 2014!

Our summer season was fantastic this year with lots of  sunshine and happy people  - we greeted lots of returning friends and also also had the chance to welcome new ones to St Audries Bay.  

We have had a great start to the Christmas Season with some fabulous Christmas Lunches attended by over 400 people who had some lovely Turkey with all the trimmings and Christmas Pudding with lashings of Brandy Sauce, along with Christmas market stalls, bingo, dancing and entertainment!

We also had two great party nights with and an ELVIS tribute and 
Watch this space for next years 'Party Nights' information!

Here are a selection of photos from throughout the year. We hope to see you all again next year!

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Sunny start to the season

Blue skies and a great start to the season

We have had a beautiful, sunny start to the season here at St Audries Bay.

Warm weather, 
vibrant sunshine 
and lots of happy people!

Monday, 12 May 2014

Join us at St. Audries Bay where we are celebrating 30 years of Organ Week with some fantastic concerts.

Monday 19th to Thursday 22nd May

Monday  - Tony Stace
Tuesday - Michael Wooldridge
Wednesday - Tim Flint
Thursday - Chiho Sunamoto

Elizabeth Harrison will be your host for the evening

Please contact us for more details
01984 632515

Monday, 17 March 2014

Stargazing Weekend 4 - 6 April 2014

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Wedding Fayre Sunday 16th March 2014

Wedding Fayre

Sunday 16th March 2014
11.00am to 3.00pm

Bridal Fashion Show with Eleanor Florence Bridal
Flowers + Balloons + Cakes
Hairdressing + Makeup + Photographers
Wedding Singer +  Wedding Filming  
  Table Decorations  + DJ/Disco    
Photo booth & more!

Make a day of it and book for Sunday Roast
FREE bottle of wine for the Bride and Groom with every lunch booking
Call us now to book: 01984 632515