Tuesday, 19 February 2013

2013 - PAST NEWS - Photo Competition Winner

The winning  photo was taken by Liz Sobey of Launceston Cornwall

The prize was a holiday at a Warner Leisure Hotel.

The runners up were:

K Perry from Taunton (Gift from Clipper Tea)

L Piggott-Vijeh from Taunton (subscription to Home&home Magazine)
B Bateman from Bridgwater (subscription to Photography Monthly)
S Lewis from Bridgwater (Morrisons voucher)

The funds raised have now gone over  £400 and hopefully will keep rising. We are holding a small exhibition to display the winning photos and help to increase the awareness of the charity Target Ovarian Cancer at Sanders Garden World on 8th March International Women’s Day, …….the next thing will be to turn the photos into a 2014 Charity calendar. We are very grateful to all those who supported the competition and our generous sponsors