Thursday, 17 June 2010

2010 NEWS

Updated 24 June 2012

Thank you for visiting our website which we hope you will find helpful.  If you would like a brochure and tariff please call us on 01984 632515 or email us at


We would like to say a big "Thanks you" to our guests
for their generosity during the 2011 season
in helping Ian and the WASSACKS raise the amazing
sum of £2,947.00 at their Country Fayres

Charitable donations have been made to:
Humanity First
Independent Age
Epilepsy Society
Retina Pigmentosa Society
Shooting Star Childrens Hospice


£600 has been also been raised by Ian's book sales for 
a Christmas outing for the Somerset Young Carers Group
61 children had a cinema visit in December!


What a great group the WASSACKS are!

Do you know what it stands for?
Women And Supporters of the St Audries Club of Kindred Spirits

Caravan and Lodge Sales
This winter we will be busy preparing a new Lodge area,
on the cliff top at Sea Spray, the pitches will be in a
wonderful location with fantastic views......
more details to follow!

If you have any interest in Boat Sales
They (Tim & Sarah Parker) are based in
Watchet and will be pleased to help you.